Today, 24 June, marks the end of the Ramadan, the period of 29 or 30 days during which the Muslims recall «the month in which the Koran was revealed as a guide for humanity and which is a clear proof of the right way and salvation» (Koran, Sura II, verse185). During this period, fasting from dawn to sunset constitutes the fourth of the five pillars of Islam. The spiritual meaning of fasting accompanied by prayer and meditation, sexual abstinence and renunciation in general, according to many theologians, refers to the capacity of man to self-discipline himself, exercising patience and humility and remembering to help the more needy and those who are less fortunate. Ramadan is, therefore, a sort of exercise in purity against all worldly passions, the benefits of which will fall on the faithful all year round.
Be attentive to others
Be attentive to others