The extracts that follow appeared in “Parte Guelfa” – a journal founded by Giordani during his busy writing career – and in “Il Quotidiano”, while he was its director

There will be no United States of Europe while Europe is permeated by nationalistic movements. The United States of Europe and nationalism are two mutually exclusive concepts.” (Parte Guelfa, 1925)

Unity will be the inevitable effect of economic conditions, when no country will be self sufficient and the life of each one is intimately bound to the others, it will be effect of a universally felt need for peace; it will be made real by the fulfilment of Christianity, whose values emerge when it is clear how much they are needed.” (Parte Guelfa,1925)

The love of one’s own country does not imply hate for that of another: love for one’s family is foolish if it implies hatred for the families that live in the same apartment block” (Parte Guelfa,1925)

Europe will be saved from economic failure and the threat of future wars (…) only if it feels organically one and united as a continent, gathering together all its resources together to face common dangers, instead of being engulfed by internal strife. (Parte Guelfa,1925)

This outpouring of peoples, this manifold expansion beyond national boundaries, responds to a need for freedom. On the positive side, it is an enrichment of life, and where it happens in a rational way, it is an expression of Christianity (…) Right from the start Christianity taught Christians catholicity, universality. The universal society of the Church considers souls, rather than bodily appearance. It promotes a universal fraternity, something not encouraged, and even blocked and often dissected with bloody incisions by territorial, linguistic, national and class boundaries. (Il Quotidiano, 1945)

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