We’ve heard from the Focolare community in Kenya about their immediate commitment to respond to the appeal of Benedetto XVI to skip a meal and donate the price of that meal to help Somalia. Giovanna Vasquez and Flavio de Oliviera write:

“Dear Everyone, as you will have come to know from radio and television news, the Horn of Africa is undergoing a devastating human disaster. Our brothers and sisters have come to the bottom of the well, they are dying for lack of food and water due to the drought that is affecting the region.”

There are many organizations working on site while, on behalf of the Pope, the Pontifical Council Cor Unum has sent its first aid money in the amount of 50,000 euros. It arrived through the Bishop of Djibouti and Apostolic Administrator of Mogadishu, Msgr. Giorgio Bertin.

In their letter Giovanna and Flavio from the Focolare Movement in Kenya continue by mentioning one of the main points of Focolare spirituality; that is, recognizing the face of the crucified Jesus in every human suffering.

“Standing before the face of Jesus forsaken in this great suffering, we asked what we could do to heal at least a bit of this pain, and the idea came of launching a campaign that we’d like to call: “skip a meal”. It would involve depriving yourself of at least one meal during the month of August and, by donating the price of the meal, you could put into practice the words of Jesus: ‘I was hungry and you gave me food. . . (cf Mt 25:35). In living for universal brotherhood, we salute you!”

Any sums of money which we are able to collect through your generosity will be placed at the disposal of the interested diocese which are already directly involved in providing aid to the populations affected by the drought. You can make bank transfers to one of the following accounts, specifying the reason: “Emergenza Corno d’Africa”.


Other assistance can be given through:

International Secreteriat of Youth for a United World

Account Name: Pia Associazione Maschile Opera di Maria

Intesa San Paolo – Filiale di Grottaferrata (Roma)
codice IBAN  IT04  M030  6939  1401  0000  0640  100

Cause: Emergenza Corno d’Africa

AMU – Action for a United World

Account Name: Associazione “Azione per un Mondo Unito – Onlus”

c/c bancario n. 120434 presso
Banca Popolare Etica – Filiale di Roma
codice IBAN: IT16 G050 1803 2000 0000 0120 434

Cause: Emergenza Corno d’Africa


New Families

New Families Projects ONLUS

Presso “Banca Prossima”

IBAN: IT55K0335901600100000001060

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