On Monday, February 6th, in the locality of Cugy, 350 people took part in the funeral rite to give their last farewell to Marisa Baù on Swiss ground. The Holy Mass was celebrated by 8 priests. In their messages, the local bishop, Bishop Charles Morerod and Bishop Jean-Claude Périsset, the Apostolic Nuncio in Berlin, originally from Estavayer-le-Lac, near Montet, expressed their participation, closeness and support to the family members and focolarini of Montet.

In a brief speech, Marithé Vuigner, who is co-responsible of the Focolare Centre of Montet, went over the 40 days, from the disappearance on December 20th to the finding of the dead body, and a brief profile of Marisa Baù.

After the ceremony the corpse was transported to Italy, accompanied by some relatives who were present in Montet and a group of focolarini.

The next day, Tuesday, February 7th, a huge crowd was waiting for Marisa at the Church of the Sasso di Asiago village to pay their final respects in the funeral services celebrated by the parish priest of Gallio, Fr. Lauderio Dal Bianco. On behalf of the family members, a niece expressed a farewell greeting to Marisa, highlighting her love for the family and for life.

The reports on the autopsy which should verify the cause of death could arrive in a month’s time.

We find ourselves facing a tragic and painful situation, in which we see the Movement more than ever identified with the dramas of today’s humanity,” wrote Maria Voce in these days to the community of the Movement. She continued: “We are comforted by the witness of the generosity with which Marisa gave herself to God, the way she lived all these years, giving of herself completely to the other focolarine and to the work entrusted to her that she carried ahead with responsibility and commitment. Believing more than ever in God’s love for Marisa, we continue to pray for her and her entire family.

Read the whole article on Città Nuova (in Italian) – http://www.cittanuova.it/contenuto.php?TipoContenuto=web&idContenuto=333590

For info: press area – https://www.focolare.org/area-press-focus/en/news/2012/02/01/marisa-bau-1963-2011/

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