In the month of October, Pope Francis explicitly invites all the members of the Catholic Church worldwide to pray and fast in penance, together as the people of God, to ask the Holy Mother of God and St. Michael Archangel to protect the Church from the devil, the main architect of division among men and with God, and make it also more conscious of the faults, errors and abuse committed in the past and present. He invited all to conclude the recital of the Rosary with the ancient invocation “Sub Tuum Praesidium” – which says: “We fly to thy protection O holy Mother of God. Do not despise our petitions in our necessities but deliver us always from all dangers O Glorious and Blessed Virgin” – and with the prayer to St. Michael Archangel, composed by Pope Leo XIII, which says: “St. Michael Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.”
Do not judge
Do not judge