Different but complementary

Different but complementary

From diversity to complementarity, towards reciprocity. This is the theme explored during the long weekend of April 28-May 1, on the occasion of a meeting, in Nocera, which was attended by 16 couples from different regions of Italy.

La perla nel giorno di Pasqua

La perla nel giorno di Pasqua

Easter Monday is a special Monday: a special day in which everyone is happy. A day to dedicate fully to our relationship so that the beauty of married life would not fade away without us noticing it.


Without tenderness you cannot live

The family, more than ever committed to gather and deal with new challenges which present themselves almost daily, now needs a certain kind of support, which cannot be separated from effective training aimed at improving relationships, mainly in couples and between members of the same family. This is the purpose of the days promoted by New Families of Marche ‘Family is …’


In search of love

The search for a relationship, the desire to share life with someone beside you, is a natural need that we have all felt or dreamed about, but it can remain a figment of the imagination or become couple a reality.

Grow with our children

Grow with our children

An assessment of the “Families with a Heart” project in Naples and Cosenza .

Taking care of each other among families

Taking care of each other among families

Often signals of tension that are not given attention, and therefore not handled, can lead to serious family crises. How can we promptly decipher them and intervene so that they may become resources for the couple?

Brazilian School for Tutors

Brazilian School for Tutors

Up2Me is a great opportunity for growth and, above all, a concrete way of contributing to the education of children and adolescents.
