Families for families

Meeting of New Family Secretariats in Guatemala City and Prague. Looking for current and credible ways to meet the needs and expectations of many families around the world.

If we had stopped to think of the logistical and technical conveniences offered by the Mariapolis Centre in Castel Gandolfo (RM), we would not have embarked on such an adventure, but the heartfelt desire to reduce the physical distance between the Centre and the Zones prevailed; we found ourselves with courage and energy that we did not know we had.
Therefore this year the annual meeting of the Secretariats of New Families took place (from 1. to 4 November 2018) for the first time outside the walls of Rome and at the same time in two distinct continents: for Europe in Prague, and in the American continent, in Guatemala City.
It was one meeting even if the distance between the places where it took place was great. The only intention was in fact to strengthen the unity of the World Secretariat, composed not only of the central secretariat but also of the heads of the New Families in the areas.

This meeting was prepared by an International Commission composed of families from various continents (America, Africa, Italy, Europe) and two couples from the Central Secretariat. The Skype connections for the preparation had already began in the summer, with the challenge of time zones and languages, and had opened up hearts to meet the various demands which gradually emerged. “One cannot imagine the great experience we have had in preparing for this meeting. – someone said. – It was one thing to get to know each other by photo or Skype, and another thing to see each other in person: what a joy it was to be part of this family. It’s as if we’ve known each other for a long time. This experience was fantastic and helpful in our formation.”
Another said: “It was worth making all this effort for this meeting. Yes, we did do our part, but God did the rest: unity. Among us, unity has been consolidated. It is incredible…it was a Grace”.

The novelty of the way the meeting was held brought great richness because thanks to a greater representation from the different countries,it allowed us to deal with the various themes with a very broad outlook. There were 110 participants present in Prague, those responsible for New Families or those belonging to the smaller zone secretariat, coming mainly from Europe (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary), but also from Africa (Burkina Faso, Mali and Rwanda) and the Middle East (Egypt).
In Guatemala there were 65 people from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Dominican Republic and the United States.

The number of participants allowed a special mutual knowledge, the deepening of relations, the beginning of collaborations between nations; each interval was a “swarm” of contacts, meetings by zones and/or interest groups (those who are involved in preparation for marriage, accompany couples in difficulty, or those who work in the diocese for the family…).

The online connections during the three days between Prague and Guatemala and the exactly symmetrical program in the two places because of the time zone, allowed us to build a bridge between Europe and the Americas, making us touch with our own hands the richness contained in each people and gave us the certainty of a common world path: an experience of opening up of hearts and minds over the whole of humanity, a help – as many, especially Italians, have said – to get out of our (sometimes) narrow mental and cultural environments.
Due to the spontaneous communion during the intervals, from the exchange of opinions, everyone found themselves to be part of a family and felt that the Centre of the Work had found a home in their hearts and in the areas represented, giving us the opportunity to experience the concreteness of the new structure and its many implications, discovering its richness and touching with our own hands the faithful creativity of the Charisma. Each person became more aware of their co-responsibility in consolidating this reality. “Hello Guatemala” and “Hello Prague” became the catchphrase of the congress, the sign that we were one body.
The theme of the Holy Spirit by Emmaus made us aware of how important it is to invoke Him and let Him work in us, to meet the challenges of the family, the first living cell of the Church-humanity. The theme of the year applied to family life was also very useful and much appreciated, prepared thanks to the contribution of reflections and experiences of some families all over the world.
The topics discussed in the hall with input from the USA, the Centre and other parts of the world, were an effective stimulus for the development of the Workshops . The topics dealt with – New Structure, role of the FN Secretariat, networking between families, New generations, accompaniment in the phases of life (engaged couples,married couples, difficulties in couples and those who are separated) – have allowed us to have a privileged, though not exhaustive, view of the family realities experienced in these 25 countries represented. The Gen Pathways project aroused a lot of curiosity and enthusiasm because, as someone told us, “the Gen are part of our family and above all, will be the families of tomorrow”.

If we wanted to characterize the specificity of the meeting in Prague with a word, we could say: “recognize ourselves”.
To recognize oneself among Romanians, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians: the multiplicity of languages did not hold back the work in plenary nor the workshops in smaller groups, where questions were asked and experiences exchanged on topics of great current interest.
We could recognize that Dutch and Egyptian families are living the same realities in the search for current and credible ways to meet the needs and expectations of many other couples and children around them.
We have also worked on ways of networking more between families and groups of nations, with particular attention to the new areas that are starting (Western Europe, violet area, etc..); we have deepened the relationship with the new generations; with the wounds present in many families who are living a crisis in a couple, separations, just to name a few examples.

The key word of the meeting in Guatemala was “meet up”: from the North to the South of the American continent there was the possibility of finally being together, with great joy on the part of all! Also significant was the participation of some members of the indigenous communities, descendants of the Mayan people.
“Some of the participants, said an Argentinian couple before leaving for this meeting, experienced the love of God in concrete things (visa procedures, economic difficulties, placement of children and grandparents, etc..), difficulties that were offered for love, were the ‘fuel’ to achieve this unity among all. We are grateful for all that we have experienced here, my husband and I leave with our hearts full of Jesus and with many Graces.
A French couple: “I feel that here, there is not only the Secretariat of Rome, but we are one body. We are not friends, but brothers to be Families for families”.

The final Saturday night party in Guatemala, with a short pyrotechnic interlude, followed by dances, traditional and non-traditional songs, gave the measure of being a family constructed in those days together.
The same atmosphere was breathed during the beautiful feast in Prague enlivened by traditional songs and dances by the hosts of the Czech Republic which expressed the joy of these days together and the renewed confidence in the possibility of walking together between families.
They all left with a heart grateful to God, with a new impetus to be builders of the planetary network for the “ut omnes.”

By the Central Secretariat of New Families