I love you as I have been loved

I love you as I have been loved

The Attachment Theory provides us with a framework within which it is possible to understand the dynamics of a couple.

Format-Family March 2024: A highly anticipated weekend

Format-Family March 2024: A highly anticipated weekend

On the 23 to the 24 March 2024, 47 families (139 people, including 46 children) met at Loppiano with Dr. Ezio Aceti, developmental psychologist, to address the issue of education for the age group 0-12 years and pre-adolescence.
The next Family Format weekend will be on April 20-21 and the theme will be: “Aspects of disability in the family: children, the elderly… new perspectives”.


Happy Easter

Let us share the hope, peace and love of the Risen Lord to those around us.

Fear not!

Fear not!

We have always been willing to take a risk even though we are aware of the possible consequences, and we have decided to run this risk even if it feels like we are walking on broken glass.


Easter: every day of us must be like a Resurrection

So here is Easter to remind us that every day of us must be like a Resurrection: up, always ready to love everyone we meet without looking at if we like them or not. Love, love, love. Never tire of loving. Never stop our revolution. Chiara

A lesson from a hospital bed

A lesson from a hospital bed

There are pirates “on the road” and there are pirates on the ski slopes. There are patients who get discouraged and have a crisis and there are patients who take advantage of the time of hospitalization to do volunteer work. Volunteering has been of particular interest in Trento in this period, and although small, this story needs to be told.
