Format-Family March 2024: A highly anticipated weekend

On the 23 to the 24 March 2024, 47 families (139 people, including 46 children) met at Loppiano with Dr. Ezio Aceti, developmental psychologist, to address the issue of education for the age group 0-12 years and pre-adolescence. The next Family Format weekend will be on April 20-21 and the theme will be: "Aspects of disability in the family: children, the elderly... new perspectives".

The weekend was eagerly awaited, the topic interesting and very engaging, the speaker was well known and highly esteemed for his expertise.

The families came from various cities in Italy, and among them were many young New Families from Turin who had invited other families from among their friends. A brief initial greeting and the throwing of the Dice of Love opened the “proceedings’ with an invitation to those present to take up the attitude of “loving everyone”. Ezio Aceti proposed this invitation as a guarantee that those two days would be a serene and profitable time for everyone, and an atmosphere of deep mutual listening was immediately created.

On Saturday, the focus was on “Educating in a changing world” and education in the 0-12 age group: with a report by Ezio Aceti, discussion in groups, followed by a rich dialogue in plenary. On Sunday morning, Ezio Aceti dealt with another “hot” topic for those present: “Adolescents today: fragility and resources” followed by many questions and reflections on being parents of an adolescent today. Ezio Aceti was also available for personal interviews that emphasized the “feeling of being a family”, giving many the opportunity to discuss the specifics of their experience and receive valuable personalized advice.

The children and young people had specific activities: children over 6 years old spent Saturday afternoon with Gabriel, a dancer and actor, who made them aware of the spaces around them through a number of body exercises: they also listened and matched music to an animal. A lot of fun was had by imagining to be fish swimming in the depths of the sea through a long cloth tube.

Sunday morning was also full of ideas and discoveries for the children: a naturalistic-sensory path in Loppiano brought them in contact with nature and accompanied by a professional guide, they discovered noises, smells, life in the woods, the countryside and self-perception in contact with nature. Everyone enjoyed themselves! The little ones (0-5 years old) had various play activities depending on their age so as to give their parents some space all to themselves, in peace. On Saturday evening, everyone who wanted could go to the show organized for the Citadel by the artists of AIR (Artisti in Rete) with songs, dances, and interpretations.

The Family Format team for March:
Enrico, Daniela, Ezio, Vanilla, Claudio, Federica, Gianni, Vanna, Paolo, Barbara, Santina and Pier Luigi



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