
I’ll love you forever

This is the promise lovers make on St. Valentine’s Day. Romantic illusion? We talk with an engaged couple who are willing to accept the challenge of a church marriage.

Safeguard the family with love

Safeguard the family with love

Famiglia sotto attacco? Nel brano qui riportato Chiara Lubich dialoga sull’argomento con una famiglia austriaca (Vienna, 30.6.97) la quale, vedendo fallire un matrimonio su tre, le chiede un suggerimento per dare valore e continuità al patto coniugale.


Rome Reports Interview

Married Couple in the Synod has helped other couples rescue their marriage.


“The Evangelization of Children”

Address given by Chiara Lubich at the International Theological Pastoral Congress on the occasion of the Family Jubilee “Children, the springtime of the family and of society”.
Vatican, Paolo VI Auditorium, 12.10.2000
