
Embracing fragility in a couple

The seventh-year crisis used to be the most delicate period for couples. This was often due to a series of causes of a physiological nature typical of this early developmental phase such as the birth of children, the need to reconcile family and work, to redefine boundaries in relations with the families of origin.

Middle East Earthquake Emergency: Donate now

Middle East Earthquake Emergency: Donate now

We invite everyone to donate generously to help the families who have been affected by this tragedy.
You can donate the amount of 5, 10, 20, 50 Euros to the following Focolare Movement’s Emergency Coordination account

Action for a United World ONLUS (AMU)
IBAN: IT 58 S 05018 03200 000011204344 at Banca Popolare Etica

Action for New Families ONLUS (AFN)
IBAN: IT 92 J 05018 03200 000016978561 at Banca Popolare Etica
Reason for payment: Middle East Earthquake Emergency

Tax benefits are provided for these donations in many countries of the European Union and in other countries of the world, according to the various local regulations.
Italian taxpayers will be able to obtain deductions and deductions from income, according to the legislation envisaged for non-profit organizations

No one alone

No one alone

Listening and sharing. “No one alone” is a pathway of accompaniment and testimony that has involved parents with LGBT children in various countries around the world for some time now.

Happy birthday Loreto School

Happy birthday Loreto School

The Loreto School, the freshness of the first 40 years.
This year five families from four continents are attending the school, which was inaugurated by Chiara Lubich, who also indicated the name “Loreto”. Since 1982, 500 others have participated, while almost 1,500 families have stayed for shorter periods.

Thank you Danilo

Thank you Danilo

One of the first married focolarini and co-founder of the New Families Movement, Danilo Zanzucchi died serenely on 16 November 2022 at the age of 102 in his home in Grottaferrata (Rome), surrounded by his wife Anna Maria, their five children (Chiaretta, Michele Maria Annita Giovanni and Francesco) and some of their 12 grandchildren.

Family, the welcoming face of the Church.

Family, the welcoming face of the Church.

The 10th World Meeting of Families just concluded. “Be the seed of a more fraternal world” was Pope Francis’ mandate to all those families present.
