“The idea was born in response to the desire of many families who want to live an experience of deepening the charism of unity and then become animators of other families”, explains Maria Salerno, from the Secretariat of the New Families Movement, “but who cannot take a year off work for their own formation, as is necessary to attend the annual Loreto School.
Thus was born the proposal of the “Loppiano Family Experience”: a three-week immersion in the life of the Loreto School and the Citadel, open to families from all over the world. The response was overwhelming and the places were taken long before the deadline.
On the 8th of July, 22 families from Jordan, Gabon, Korea, Mexico, Paraguay, Colombia, Brazil, Spain, Slovakia and Germany arrived in Loppiano. “The programme alternates moments of in-depth study on the spirituality of unity with topics relevant to the family,” explains Maria, “communication, sexuality, educating children, bioethical issues. Then there are elements of our pastoral work such as Famiglie Nuove (New Families), formation packages to accompany committed, engaged, young couples, etc.”.
About forty children, from 6 months to 22 years old, for whom ad hoc programmes have been prepared.
Sharing moments, discovering the Citadel: from Gen Verde to Gen Rosso, from the Pole to the Cooperative.
There was plenty of time for spontaneous dialogue, personal talks and getting to know each other. “The international experience is a great opportunity and, once the ice has been broken, the invitations to dine between the families begin to flow, to get to know each other better and to experience unity in the diversity of the culture of origin!
Behind the scenes of the “Loppiano Family Experience”, a team of about twenty families and various helpers worked on every aspect of the organisation. An international commission prepared the programme for adults.
The whole project was coordinated by Paolo and Barbara Rovea from the Famiglie Nuove secretariat.
The experience is still ongoing and will end on 28th July. So there will be room for further updates!