Speak of the joy and the beauty of a life built on love

...we often experience the impotence of words with our children, with our relatives , who absorbed by their interests , which are often consumerist, reject any spiritual discourses. We can't get through to them when we refer to the values in which we believe and which have supported us from the first day of our marriage. They appear to be so helpless, so vulnerable and dissatisfied but we don't know how to help them... Angela L. - Campania

We too have often experienced a feeling of helplessness in the face of the evil of this world that seems to stifle  the seeds of good that we have generously shed in the hearts of those we love. But we know that this is not the case and that hope is knowing how to be born again every day, by gathering and rediscovering all the crumbs of good that are hidden under apparent indifference, even in the hardest of hearts.
There are moments in life when we cannot  use words, for that matter even Christ on the cross appears without words, He “the Container of the Word,” the Word, is reduced to silence, yet never as at that moment, does he speak, he speaks with the witness of his infinite love.
Giving witness today has more influence than the wisest  of discourses. We must give witness to the joy and beauty that arise from a life based entirely on true love, from our ability to begin again each day, without doubt or regret.
Our love as spouses, joyful, faithful, beautiful, despite our inevitable mutual fragility; which is all based on the infinite tenderness of God who accompanies us, will be a powerful means of apostolate as to the value of the family as a model.
It will  give hope to the world around us which despite appearances, has a yearning need for real models and of true happiness.
The transmission of the values in which we believe, of the morals which derive from them, will be possible if we know how to be people who give witness to a normal life, are serene, happy, capable of healthy moments of relaxation.
People who rejoice in  small things, are attractive because they take care of their physical appearance, are always ready to help the weak and those who suffer, while avoiding being always in a hurry, crushed by pessimism, by the problems of everyday life.

(Maria e Raimondo Scotto)

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