Safeguard the family with love

Famiglia sotto attacco? Nel brano qui riportato Chiara Lubich dialoga sull’argomento con una famiglia austriaca (Vienna, 30.6.97) la quale, vedendo fallire un matrimonio su tre, le chiede un suggerimento per dare valore e continuità al patto coniugale.

“God created the family, and he formed it in this way. He wants there to be love between husband and wife. If love is missing, there’s no marriage, no matrimony.

Unfortunately, because of sin, this love has been spoiled to some extent. This love has been clouded over because sin entered humanity.

So Jesus came and healed the situation, bringing a stronger love, a greater love, the very love that comes from God, the love which is God himself. So, we must take advantage of what Jesus brought, use this love in order to maintain natural love as well.

For example, if you didn’t love your husband any more, you would have to love him because he is Jesus, because he is another Jesus, because you have to be the first to love, because you have to love everyone, because you have to make yourself one, because you have to love him as yourself. In other words, you bring supernatural love into the situation, with all that it means, in order to safeguard human love too. This is what to do and this way of doing things is the foundation of our New Families Movement.”

Source: Chiara Lubich Centre

Video (italian soundtrack)
