Catholicism Course in Curryhills


Máire O’Byrne, who has studied theology, is going to lead us in a course on Catholicism – What it means to be Catholic.  The course is Fr Rober Barron’s acclaimed presentation of Catholicism.  It starts on Wed evening, 11th September at 8.00pm until 9.30pm. The format is that we watch a DVD of Fr Barron (who is an amazing communicator, and who literally travelled all over the world filming this series).  Then we break for a cuppa and discussion.  We’ll continue every second week until the end of November.

There’s no charge for the course, just a request for contributions to cover expenses.

We really hope you can join us!  It’s an excellent course (which has been run in lots of other parishes in Ireland) and I’m sure we’ll all learn a lot from it.

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