Hope rising from the ashes

Hope rising from the ashes

In the midst of the devastation by the Taal volcano, members of the Focolare community employ whatever means they have to attend to the needs of the people displaced by the disaster.

Pathways for a United World

Pathways for a United World

Pathways for a United World is a strategy opening up ways to build a more fraternal and sustainable world, a more united world.

Alongside First Nations in Canada

Alongside First Nations in Canada

At the invitation of the bishop of Yellowknife, Canada, four members from different Focolare North American communities, including a priest, became a temporary Focolare for a month with the Tlicho tribe of Whati, in the Northwest Territories.

Genfest 2018: We must be women & men of unity to give hope to the world

Genfest 2018: We must be women & men of unity to give hope to the world

The eleventh edition of the Genfest has just come to its end. The 6,000 young people present, from more than 100 countries worldwide, launched their project: “Pathways Pathways for a United World”: ways and means of bringing individuals and people together to contribute building fraternal relationships in the fields of economy, justice, politics, environment, intercultural and interreligious dialogue.
