In one of her meditations Chiara Lubich writes “mercy is the ultimate expression of charity, the one that fulfils it[1]. It is not a feeling, therefore, but a concrete action that, united with an inner intention, pushes us to distance ourselves from ourselves and turn our gaze to the other. A revolutionary movement that heals and generates life.”

Don’t miss the opportunity
At the station, I had just bought a return ticket to a certain city. I rushed to the platform but was disappointed to discover the train had just left. I went back to the ticket office to try and get a refund and further information but the lady in charge told me she couldn’t spend time on me with so many people in the queue. Disgruntled, I walked away feeling really angry but as I was putting my tickets in my diary, a phrase I had written down that morning caught my eye: ‘Don’t miss any opportunities’. I stopped, reflected, then made up my mind: “I must not miss the opportunity to love!”. I walked back to the lady at the ticket office, and when it was my turn I told her I was sorry if I was too demanding with her and that I understood her reaction. The expression on her face and her tone of voice changed and, without persuasion, she started to deal with my situation. She even started looking for alternative routes to enable me to reach my destination in time. It really doesn’t take much to restore harmony in relationships.
(R.J. – Romania)

The list of enemies
As his followers Jesus wants us to love our enemies.  He wants us to forgive. For a long time I didn’t think this concerned me. I live a quiet life, have a good position in society and a calm family. We don’t hurt anyone and try to protect ourselves from the negative in society. Nevertheless, that phrase troubled me. Enemies?  When I really thought about it, I realised I still did have some but had relegated them to a part of my brain where they would not bother me. One by one, situations came to mind in which, rather than face the opposition of an ‘enemy’, I fled. Running away had become a real habit. But Jesus was asking something else of me. So I made a list of all the ‘enemies’ for whom I had to do something: with a phone call, a message or a meeting to let each of them know they were part of my life. It really wasn’t easy – obstacles and reasonings kept holding me back.  Now that I have overcome myself, I can truly say that Jesus’ commandment has achieved its purpose – it has made me feel alive.
(G.R. – Portugal)

Edited by Maria Grazia Berretta

 (taken from Il Vangelo del Giorno, Città Nuova, year VIII, n.1, January-February 2022)

[1] C. Lubich, “When you have known suffering”, in  Essential writings, Città Nuova, Rome 2006, pp. 140-141


  • I read the word of life and pondered the story of the enemies in our lives, but forgiveness requires courage and perseverance. I liked the idea of ​​writing on the list of people’s names and taking the first step, as the lady did at the ticket station.
    The word is the key to everything.

  • Ho sempre avuto una doppia personalità, chi mi conosce lo sa che appaio dolce e gentile ma quando la giornata è quella sbagliata divento aggressiva e irrascibile, l’altro giorno ero ad un incontro tra focolari e ho verbalmente demolito due mie sorelle …mi sono sentita subito una nullità, accompagnata da un dolore quasi fisico ,andata a casa mi sono rivolta a Gesù le ho chiesto di essere Gesù in mezzo alla mia vita al centro non in un angolino, le ho detto di far sì che abbandoni il mio stuppido orgoglio e Abbondi di umiltà e AMORE per le mie sorelle e fratelli che incontro allora senza tergiversare ho deciso di inviare un messaggio di sentite scuse alle mie sorelle Focolarine….mi sono sentita amata da Gesù che mi permette di fare i miei scivoloni e trovare e vivere il mio essere in stato grazia, oggi le vedo con altri occhi e la gioia di incontrarle mi rende gioiosa.Grazie

    • Che bello! Sono anche io cosi, in eterna atesa per non lasciare l’uomo vecchio venire fuori, mas di alimentare la vita de Gesù in me… Grazie!

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