In November 2018, during a gathering of Bishops from various Churches who are friends of the Focolare Movement, which took place near Stockholm, Sweden, Bishop Krause was interviewed by Irish journalist Susan Gately. She asked him what “ecumenism” truly meant to him. As we conclude the celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in the northern hemisphere, we are publishing an excerpt of Bishop Krause’s response that highlights his character, openness and passion for the ecumenical journey.
“Called to Hope – Protagonists of Dialogue” is the title of the Ecumenical Conference that will take place from March 26–29, 2025, in Castel Gandolfo (Rome, Italy). To register or learn more, download the flyer.
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Ecuminsm is good as expressed by Bishop Krause where two or more are gathered together, AM in their midst. Praying together shaing our experiences, one day to be united in worship and prayers to fullfil the gospel text, ( may they all may be one).