Focolare Movement

Dialogue: a path to search for what is good

Feb 1, 2025

Idea of the month - February 2025

Sometimes we are faced with situations where it is difficult to make a judgment or take a clear position. Wetry to understand the deeper meaning of whatever we are facing and comprehendits significance andvaried perspectives.
We need a light to guide us. Just as underground miners move forward one meter at a time with the help of a simple lantern, we too have a light that can illuminate our steps, one by one. We know what this is: love for each other is a powerful light that guides us and helps with the difficult task of informing our personal consciences as we journey through life.
We need to be able to be aware of the complexity of views and opinions held by people around us or those we meet sometimes by chance. It is important to always maintain a sense of honesty and to be aware of the limitation of our own point of view. Openness of mind and heart, the fruit of true love, creates a capacity for a dialogue that listens, that looks for the good in the other person and is open to the possibility of creating something together.
Timothy Radcliffe, one of the theologians present at the last Synod of Bishops of the Catholic Church, referred to this personal need we may experience. He told members of the Synod that: ” The bravest thing we can do is to be honest with each other about our doubts and questions, those for which we have no clear answers. Then we will approach each other as fellow seekers, beggars of truth (1)”.
In a conversation with members of the Focolare, Margaret Karram commented on this reflection: ‘Thinking about it, I realised that many times I did not have the courage to really say what I thought: perhaps because I was afraid of not being understood or because I didn’t want to be different from the majority. I realised that being “beggars of truth” means having that attitude of closeness towards one another, in which we seek the good of the other.”(2).
This is Antía’s, experience. She is a member of “Mosaico”, a performing arts group that began in Spain in 2017. It is composed of young Spaniards from different backgrounds and cultures who use their art and workshops to offer their experience of fraternity to others. Antia tells us: ‘It connects with my values – a fraternal world, in which everyone (very young, inexperienced, vulnerable…) gives their contribution to the project. “Mosaico” makes me believe that a more united world is not a utopia, despite the difficulties and hard work involved. I grew up working in a team where dialogue was too honest at times and I often gave up on my own ideas which I believed to be the best. I see that in this project “good” is built piece by piece together, by us all ” (3).

1. Timothy Radcliffe, Meditation to Synod of Bishops, 2.10.2023
2. Margaret Karram, President of Focolare Movement, 3.02.2024
3. Mosaic GRLP

Foto: © Comunicazione Loppiano

THE IDEA OF THE MONTH is currently produced by the Focolare Movement’s “Centre for Dialogue with People of Non religious Beliefs“. It is an initiative that began in 2014 in Uruguay to share with non-believing friends the values of the Word of Life, i.e. the phrase from Scripture that members of the Movement strive to put into practice in their daily lives. Currently, THE IDEA OF THE MONTH is translated into 12 languages and distributed in more than 25 countries, with adaptations of the text according to different cultural sensitivities.



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