Living the present moment, I live the whole Gospel. If Scripture teaches us to do small things well, this is exactly what happens to people who, with their whole heart, do only what God wants of them in the present. If a person lives in the present, God lives in them and if God lives them, charity is in them. Whoever lives the present is patient, perseverant, meek, completely poor, pure, and merciful because he or she has love in its highest and most genuine expression. He or she truly loves God with their whole heart, their soul and their strength, is illuminated within, is guided by the Holy Spirit and therefore does not judge, thinks no evil, loves their neighbour as themselves, has the strength of evangelical folly to offer the other cheek, to go for two miles… He or she often has the opportunity to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s because in many present moments, he or she has to fully live their life as a citizen… and so on. Whoever lives the present is in Christ the Truth. And that satisfies, satisfies the soul that would like to possess everything in every moment of life. (from Essere tua Parola, Città Nuova Editrice – 2008 p. 51)
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