Focolare Movement

The World in My Arms

Mar 23, 2011

“To bring You the world in my arms”- on Chiara’s third anniversary, this dream of hers seems to be fulfilled.

Commemorations held in every language and by representatives of every religious creed. Tributes paid by Christians, Jews and Muslims, from Venezuela to Burundi, from Australia to Vietnam. All around the world people from different backgrounds- from Apostolic Nuncios to children, young people and families- gave thanks for the charism passed on by Chiara. In a family atmosphere they all renewed their commitment to bringing her dream ahead, to witnessing the fulfilment of Jesus’ prayer to the Father: “Mat they all be one”. In Caracas the Apostolic Nuncio commented, “The song, this hymn of joy and gratitude in Chiara’s heart on her lips since that 14th March 2008, will last for all of eternity”. During the mass concelebrated by 4 bishops and 12 priests, attended by members of various ecclesial movements, the Nuncio indicated the path to follow. “If in a city like Caracas, the fire that Jesus brought to earth was lit and if, thanks to the good will of all citizens, it resisted the world’s chill, in a short time our city would be set ablaze by the love of God.” Peru, San Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua- just some of the Latin American countries that held commemoration events. “The homilies at all the masses spoke of ‘sainthood’ and of ‘a charism for the whole Church’- a sign that by now the spirituality is well-known and appreciated”, remarked Martita and Gustavo from San Salvador. This need to celebrate Chiara’s life went beyond the boundaries of the Catholic Church. In Tucuman, northern Argentina, Christians from various churches met with Jews and Muslims for an interreligious meeting dedicated to Chiara. “I didn’t meet her in person but I’ve seen the fruits of her work”, said Rabbi Salomon Nusbaumm referring to the Focolare’s founder, “And good fruit is a sign of a good tree. May God welcome Chiara with all the righteous”. The Focolare’s local community in Quito (Ecuador) wrote, “The tragedy in Japan and the risk of a tsunami here were like reminders from the Eternal Father to focus on the essential”. In San José (Costa Rica) the local community organised a “town fair” with stalls exhibiting the ‘fruits’ of Chiara’s charism with music and performance to attract passers-by. There were open days held all around Brazil for Chiara’s anniversary: from Mariapolis Ginetta (near San Paolo) to Porto Alegre and Mariapolis Santa Maria (near Recife). “In 35 cities with the participation of a total of 4,273 people, we commemorated the third year of Chiara’s arrival in Paradise”, they wrote. Across the ocean in Cebu (Philippians) Archbishop José Palma participated at the commemoration event, attending the daylong program in its entirety. Referring to Chiara Luce Badano’s recent beatification, he expressed his wish that in two years time a beatification process for Chiara Lubich may begin. Chiara’s life was also celebrated in Bangkok, Vietnam and Myanmar. In India there were events in Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi and Goa. “The Nuncio began the mass at his residence by asking for a grace for everyone: to be like Chiara, witnesses of love, with strength and courage, so as to give light to everyone as she did”, wrote the local Focolare directors from Mumbai. News arrived from as far away as Medan (Indonesia): “The atmosphere was beautiful; you could feel that Chiara was alive. The joy experienced by everyone was tangible- there was a true sense of gratitude for being her sons and daughters, part of this extraordinary family.” From New Caledonia to New Zealand, in Perth, Melbourne and Sydney, Chiara’s anniversary was a “moment of God”, they wrote from the Focolare Centre in Australia. Concluding this worldwide tour, we arrive in Africa. The message that arrived from Bujumbura in Burundi reads, “Chiara was with us, she was at the centre of the celebration. It was touching to see such a large number of people present, many of whom had known Chiara but lost touch with the Movement through the years. The 800 participants at the event in Mariapolis Piero (Kenya) were above all young people. The words on everyone’s lips were “joy, renewal, a sainthood open to everyone”. They wrote, “We want to continue to bring ahead Chiara’s mission: that in our arms we can bring this piece of the world to God”. Across Congo, Chiara’s 3rd anniversary was celebrated by many: Kinshasa (700), Kikwit (2000), Lubumbashi, (400), Goma (200) e Bukavu (100). The common characteristic of these events was Chiara’s strong presence and a true desire to change and sanctify everyday environments. The mayor of Nzinda expressed his gratitude for the invitation to the event held there: “I discovered a treasure in the life and work of the Movement. It’s essential to the fulfilment of universal brotherhood which can eliminate injustice and anti-values present in Congolese society”.


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