Faith over Fear Covid19

Faith over Fear Covid19

The world is taken by fear with the burst of COVID19 globally. As a local community of the Focolare Dumaguete City, we braced ourselves for the inevitable. When the first death of a Covid19 patient was reported in our city, we were shaken. It did not take long before we were under a lock down and advised to do home quarantine.


Goal to the Coronavirus

The Covid19 that has been rampant in the world in recent months has been a wake up call for some


Amoris Laetitia’s Year: Special Edition

This publication now brings together in a single printable digital version the 10 guides, accompanying the special edition with the collection of 10 videos of the pope in dialogue with families (already individually available on the website

Up to me! 25-26 September a response to the needs of young people

Developed within the Focolare Movement, Up2Me has been piloted so far in 28 countries. It grew from the need frequently expressed by children and youth who find themselves facing big issues like life, health, sexuality, modern life styles, emotions, future life choices … without adequate tools to deal with them.

Amoris Laetitia’s Year: The fifth video – The ‘foreverness’ and beauty of love

Amoris Laetitia’s Year: The fifth video – The ‘foreverness’ and beauty of love

The Holy Father speaks about “foreverness” in marriage, in this fifth video of the 10-part series prepared as part of the celebration of the «Amoris Laetitia Family» Year. This time Pope Francis addresses himself particularly to spouses.
“Don’t be afraid to fail: fear is the greatest obstacle to welcoming Christ and His plan for our lives! Be careful of fear!”, the Holy Father powerfully warns us.

Loreto School – Quarantine in color

This morning a surprise and a lot of joy for our families at Loreto School. On the day of the Annunciation we received a special touch from Mary for her Citadel of Loppiano: the snow!
We proposed to live the quarantine of colours in time of social isolation.
We presented it today to the families to help each other to live as harmoniously and in communion as possible this unforeseen and complex moment. We are all committed to ensuring that the emotional life and communion among all, generated by GIM, will always support families in these difficult days.


Carlo Casini: a life for Life

The departure of Carlo Casini has caused us heartache, it has left a huge void, it’s almost as if a piece of us is missing.


A concrete proposal to be a “domestic church”

A concrete proposal to be a “domestic church”

We propose to you the reflection of the Prefect of the Dicastery for the laity, the family and life focused on the strength inherent in the consecrated relationship of the spouses and on the way of living in the family this time of pandemic, a time that can be “of training, growth and pre-evangelization”.
