A secret of love

They are families that seem like the others, but in reality they have a secret of love, because they are united to each other and distinct, in a certain way as in the family of Nazareth.

1858What is a family like that has put God in the first place?
If you look at this family with human eyes, it is one like any other. If you look at them with supernatural eyes, you understand that they represent a mystery, the mystery of God’s love, because Christ is in their midst. It is a living cell with its heart filled with the presence of God.

We see these families growing and becoming almost a people. They seem like the others but in reality, they have a secret of love, because they are at the service of humankind, because in them people are united among them and distinct, a bit like in the family of Nazareth. Mary, Jesus and Joseph had such a deep relationship among them that almost nothing was known of their many years of life together. At the same time, no family was ever as open to humanity as theirs was. May the Lord take your family ahead in the pathway of perfection, which, if it may be made up of great sufferings, at the same time is made up of such sublime joys that no one on earth can understand them. This is what we need: families who bear witness to God in this way.

(Source: Where life is kindled – Città Nuova, 1998)

