Movements and Communities of Together for Europe meet in Paris


7-9 November  2013

Leaders of Movements and Communities that animate Together for Europe  will meet  in Paris for their annual gathering from the 7th to the 9th of November.  About 140 participants from 49 Movements  are expected  to be present.

This meeting will be  an occasion to share experiences  and to plan for the future. One  the seven  programme  points, known as “the Seven Yes”, found in the final message of Stuttgart 2007 will be targeted this year .  This point, one of the  guide lines  that since 2007 constitute  a plan of action for  Together for Europe, says: “Yes to solidarity with the poor and the marginalized,  be they near or far; they are our brothers and sisters. Let us ask our governments and the European Union   to work in a determined manner for the poor and for the development of   disadvantaged nations, especially those in Africa”.

This is a point of great relevance,  even because of  the recent tragedies in the Mediterranean,  where many citizens   gave witness of  concrete solidarity,  and national and European institutions  were spurred to take steps foward  towards a more fraternal world.

“Together forEurope”  depicts a journey that brings together various activities of Christian communities and movements aimed at promoting reconciliation, peace and brotherhood on the European continent.  Being together  gives more effectiveness to the specific gift  each one is endowed with.  They promote a culture of communion  in freedom and respect for diversity. They  cultivate openness and dialogue, particularly with those who have at heart Europe’s future and  its responsability towards the world.

Updated on November 4, 2013


SIF – Focolare Information Service

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