Focolare Movement

An App for the Daily Password

Now, thanks to the work of the young Brazilian, Guilherme Moura, the daily password can arrive directly to your pocket through a new App that can be downloaded for free at: Live the present moment without haste; Begin again to live the present moment; Don’t let the present moment slip away… or Take the will of God to heart in the present moment; Identify yourself with the will of God in the present moment; Let yourself be purified by the Word; Make an effort to live the WordThese are some examples of the Password that we have been sharing for ten years. It was 2001 when Chiara Lubich was in Austria that she shared an experience with us, the fruit of her discovery of the importance of living the “present moment,” the only moment that we hold in our hands: “the past no longer exists, and the future has yet to arrive.” And from this discovery came the daily motto, a spiritual micro-thought which encapsulated and called our attention back to the present moment and especially to concrete love for the neighbor near to us. Twitter, a social network that allows you to send brief messages – tweets – of no more than 140 characters, is characterized by brevity and – Spadaro recalls – “it has been the wisdom of religious reflection that for centuries has accompanied Western man in this need for wisdom that is essential and concise.” He mentions a few examples in his article, from Japanese haiku, to the antiphons of the psalms, all the way to the “Word of Life, thought up by Chiara Lubich and all  other similar initiatives that draw periodically on a sentence of the Gospel to concentrate the attention of Christians to the entire Gospel, but beginning with a precise point.” Is the Password a tweet ahead of its time? Perhaps, but it is certainly an approach that goes well with the new technologies. This worldwide password – it is translated into at least 14 languages – already travels via SMS, email. Thousands of people follow it each day. The new App it is now available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod. The daily password is now available through a simple download, in all the languages of the world. Let’s pass on the word!