The title of this year’s edition of LoppianoLab was a challenge that was launched by the thousands of people, both in person and via live-screening, who took part in the event. While there is an Italy where the so-called absolute poor have increased by 130% in seven years, where every day its southern shores become a bridge to the hundreds of thousands of migrants fleeing poverty and wars – at the same time there is the desire to be involved: volunteers, associations, young people who want to experience what it’s like to work according to new business models that are able to meet the daily emergency. Involvement is the spirit behind those that brought their experiences and projects to LoppianoLab 2016, from the fields of economy, politics, welfare, immigration, communication, technology and instruction. The project, which was promoted by Lionello Bonfanti Business Park, the Città Nuova Editorial Group, Sophia University Institute and the town of Loppiano, was begun in 2010 to be a national laboratory that would set in motion “those qualities that have made the Italians great, creativity and industriousness, welcome and solidarity, art and culture,” as Focolare president Maria Voce said in her greeting. Experts from the world of culture, politics and economy presented during the programme together with many other voices from civil society that presented projects from hundreds of associations, individuals and communities that form a close-knit network of people who are eager to translate ideas, projects and lifestyle into praxis. Three days, three focus groups to take on the challenges to peace: the challenge of techno-scientific innovation, development, and poverty. Two important anniversaries were also celebrated at LoppianoLab: the 25th anniversary of the Economy of Communion Project (EoC) and the 60th anniversary of the Focolare’s Città Nuova. Thirty multi-ethnic workshops, three via direct-streaming, along with workshops for children and teenagers: “Loppiano Kids and “Time to Give” with a series of meetings focused on topics related to poverty, solidarity and ecology; and “Loppiano Young” with performances and artistic exhibitions assisted by the international Gen Verde Band. Focolare co-president Jesús Morán offered some remarks at the end of the firest day. He spoke about three challenges that the world faces today: globalization, post-globalization, post-humanism. Also the humanitarian challenge of the sub-human, a challenge that calls for a “culture of resurrection,” in order to totally assume the suffering of the person that suffers. According to Jesús Morán, the question we should ask is how much space should be given in our own lives to the least, the “abandoned ones” of today Finally, during “The Wealth of the Invisible Poverty forum,” a proposal was launched to create an observatory on poverty that would create an information system to monitor the effects of the EoC around the world and study the results and methodologies of specific significant cases. See also: Città Nuova online Loppiano Economy of Communion
Value the positive in each person
Value the positive in each person