The statement by the President of the Focolare Movement following the outbreak of serious violence in the Holy Land on 7 October 2023: “Justice, dialogue and reconciliation, indispensable tools for building peace”.

There are no words that can express the infinite suffering that I have in my heart for the peoples of Israel and Palestine, a suffering, brought about by this recent outburst of violence in my country. I am thinking of those who have died, the people who have been wounded, of those who are being held hostage, of those who are missing and their families.

In deep faith and together with all the Focolare Movement, I am united to the appeal of Pope Francis and that of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, and to the words of peace spoken both  by those who are responsible for various Christian Churches and by the leaders of the Religions -especially those from the Israeli-Palestinian region – in asking for there to be an end to arms. And as Pope Francis said at the Angelus today -that people can understand that terrorism and war don’t solve anything, but every war is a defeat.

In praying to the God of Peace and of Justice, I am also united to all the people throughout the world who are offering prayers, sufferings and actions, so that peace can be victorious over hatred and terror. I want to express a special thanks to those who have written to me from places that are in conflict, like Ukraine, expressing their offerings and closeness, in spite of the tragic situation in which they themselves have been living for over a year.

Let us commit ourselves to building a world of fraternity and to do all that is possible so that these peoples and all the others who are in the same conditions of instability and violence, can rediscover the pathway of respect for human rights, where justice, dialogue and reconciliation are the indispensable instruments for building peace.

8 October 2023

Margaret Karram
                                    President of the Focolare Movement


  • Dearest Margaret,
    Thank you so very much for your message.
    I feel the anguish and pain in your heart for this unbelievable war and for every suffering individual. Please count on my deepest unity and love , asking God for peace
    and unity. One always!
    Barbara Stewart

  • Margaret, siamo con te, noi del focolare Sacerdotale Aurora di Buenos aires. Con la tua vita ci hai fatto conoscere dippiú quella terra, vogliamo dirti la nostra unitá e la nostra preghiera affinche ci sia la pace in quella terra santa.

  • Uno a todos no mundo em oração e oferecimentos a Deus que é infinitamente misericórdia por toda humanidade sedenta da verdadeira paz.

  • Gracias Margaret, rezo especialmente por tu familia, por todos los que están sufriendo las atrocidades que genera cada guerra. En este momento recuerdo a Igino Giordani y el título de uno de sus libros: La inutilidad de la guerra, esto es lo que siento. Tomo tu desafío que nos invita a vivir con mayor intensidad en la construcción de un mundo más fraterno.

  • Chère Margaret,

    Nous sommes avec toi, le coeur déchiré, brisé par la souffrance infligée par nos frères devenus ennemis réciproques… que nous aimons et à qui nous voulons le plus grand bien.
    Il est urgent, difficile et important pour nous tous, que nous soyons d’un bord ou d’un autre, puisque appelés partout dans le monde, de demander ensemble à notre Père, au nom de Jésus si nous sommes chrétiens, que les blessures ne se transforment pas en haine, mais que Son Esprit de sainteté les apaise, éclaire nos pensées, nous donne de l’espérance et conduise nos actes, inspire et module nos paroles et dirige nos pas vers qui souffre davantage que nous. Qu’il nous soit donné d’unir toutes nos souffrances en abandon à notre Allier qui nous dit : 28 « Venez à moi, vous tous qui peinez sous le poids du fardeau, et moi, je vous procurerai le repos. 29 Prenez sur vous mon joug, devenez mes disciples, car je suis doux et humble de cœur, et vous trouverez le repos pour votre âme. 30 Oui, mon joug est facile à porter, et mon fardeau, léger. » (Matthieu 11,28-30)
    Gilles Claeys

  • Carissima Margaret,
    sei nel mio ricordo e nella mia preghiera sin dal momento in cui ho saputo la notizia. Dal Panama, nell’America Centrale, ti faccio arrivare tutta la mia unità, la certezza delle mie preghiere e della vicinanza del nostro popolo, che si unisce attorno a Gesù, a Maria e a tutte le persone di buona volontà in una supplica a Dio, Padre di tutti, affinchè ritornino nella tua (nostra) terra la pace e la riconciliazione.

  • Margaret, ayer, en el mismo momento que escuché la noticia mi corazón se comprimió de dolor por todos nuestros hermanos heridos, muertos y raptados. Inmediatamente pensé en vos y en el dolor por tu gente. Al compartir tu experiencia amorosa con tu familia, amigos, comunidad, en tu niñez y juventud, permitiste que sintiera más cercana al corazón tu patria. Oramos juntos por la pronta paz y reparación del daño

  • Dearest Margaret,
    To day, so often my thouhts were with you, your family and your people, in your beloved homeland.
    I pray that God will bring the enemy on thoughts of peace instead of war.That our prayers may touch them.
    Living with you in this suffering,

  • Pedimos por la paz en Israel y Palestina
    El terrorismo y la guerra empezó con Caín que odio a su hermano. Solo Dios puede transformar nuestro corazón para perdonar y amar.

  • Me uno a Margaret y a todos los que rezan por la paz para pedir a Dios que mueva los corazones a reconocer la dignidad humana y a sentirnos verdaderamente hermanos. Que cese la injusticia y la violencia.

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