The Five Years of “Laudato si

The Five Years of “Laudato si

Five years after the publication of Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter, the paradigm of integral ecology guides our reading of this pandemic time. An interview with Luca Fiorani, responsible for EcoOne follows.


Working together with the Laudato Si’ movement

Working together with the Laudato Si’ movement

The Focolare Movement is a partner of the Laudato Si’ Movement for the Care of Creation. Tomas Insua, the Executive Director, speaks of the great synergy in the commitment to improve our common home.


Amoris Laetitia’s Year: Special Edition

This publication now brings together in a single printable digital version the 10 guides, accompanying the special edition with the collection of 10 videos of the pope in dialogue with families (already individually available on the website

Up to me! 25-26 September a response to the needs of young people

Developed within the Focolare Movement, Up2Me has been piloted so far in 28 countries. It grew from the need frequently expressed by children and youth who find themselves facing big issues like life, health, sexuality, modern life styles, emotions, future life choices … without adequate tools to deal with them.

Amoris Laetitia’s Year: The fifth video – The ‘foreverness’ and beauty of love

Amoris Laetitia’s Year: The fifth video – The ‘foreverness’ and beauty of love

The Holy Father speaks about “foreverness” in marriage, in this fifth video of the 10-part series prepared as part of the celebration of the «Amoris Laetitia Family» Year. This time Pope Francis addresses himself particularly to spouses.
“Don’t be afraid to fail: fear is the greatest obstacle to welcoming Christ and His plan for our lives! Be careful of fear!”, the Holy Father powerfully warns us.

Reflection on the Laudato Si’ Goals

Reflection on the Laudato Si’ Goals

Como parte de nuestro compromiso compartido de construir juntos un futuro mejor, estos líderes locales están reflexionando sobre la forma en que sus valores
se conectan con los Objetivos Laudato Si’ y haciendo planes para acciones concretas en el próximo año.
Haga clic para ver los documentos y vídeos de los participantes que están reflexionando sobre los Objetivos Laudato Si’ y haciendo Planes Laudato Si’.


Amoris Laetitia Year: The Spirituality of Marriage and Family

Amoris Laetitia Year: The Spirituality of Marriage and Family

Online the tenth and last episode of the dialogue of the Pope with families.
«The family does not consist only of husband and wife, children, because Jesus dwells in the marriage. The Lord lives in the family truly and concretely. He is communicated through acts of love – concrete actions between husband and wife, between parents and children. Caresses in a family are so important».
