Joy and Expectation for the meeting with Papa Francesco


18 – 19  May 2013

Thousands of members belonging to Movements, New Communities and Lay groups will  participate in the Pentecoste Vigil  and Sunday Mass  in St. Peter’s  Square.

“We would like the Pope to feel  he is meeting thousands of people who yearn to be witnesses of the vitality of faith, of the richness of God’s gifts, of the ability to respond to today’s major challenges through the various  charisms that the movements and associations  are endowed with”.  This is what  Maria Voce augured on the eve of the Pope’s meeting  with  thousands  of members of various ecclesial associations.

 15 years have passed since that first large gathering of movements with John Paul II on May 30, 1998, and seven years passed since a similar meeting with Benedict XVI  that took place on June 3, 2006.  Later on, Papa Ratzinger said: “The ecclesial movements and new communities are one of the most important innovations inspired by the Holy Spirit for the implementation of Vatican Council II”.

The fruits of communion among movements that matured during these years  are abundant. And their openness even towards movements that belong to other various Christian Churches gave rise to the initiative “Together for Europe”,  a contribuition towards the much hoped for “New Europe of the Spirit”.

Press Release

Interview with Maria Voce

Updated on May, 20th 2013


SIF – Focolare Information Service

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