


  1. Stephanie Saniga

    God gave me this story as a gift this morning! There is a person whom I hired to do a job at my house and it has taken four months instead of a couple of days. I get so irritated and judgmental with each new excuse he has for not coming to finish. Last night, I thought to myself, how can I see this person as new tomorrow? It is not just. I cannot let him think his behavior is okay. But as I read this, it is Jesus telling me, “Raise the stakes.” I’m starting over.

  2. Umberto Mazzotti

    Grazie! bellisima esperienza!

  3. João C.

    É uma pena não haver a possibilidade de se subscrever notícias como esta através de newsletter! Por um par de motivos, prefiro uma opção como esta a seguí-las por RSS.

