Movimento dei Focolari

Dialogue, Light and Fire: Chiara Lubich and the Spirituality of Unity

Apr 6, 2017

By Crescenzia C. Gabijan
Dialogue, Light and Fire Chiara Lubich and the Spirituality of Unity
From the back cover: Chiara Lubich (1920-2008), founder of the popularly known Focolare Movement, is widely recognized today as a “Modern Spiritual Master” and an “Apostle of Dialogue.” In this carefully researched work, Gabijan insightfully captures the life and vision of Lubich, integrating her unique spirituality with her passion for unity through dialogue. Profound insights on several levels emerge. Ms. Gabijan has, in a word, opened for us the very heart of Lubich. This seminal work will stand as a pivotal reference for years to come. – James H. Kroeger, M.M., Missiologist, Loyola School of Theology, ManilaDialogue, Light, and Fire gives us genuine insight in the life, theology, and interreligious commitment of Chiara Lubich which laid the foundation and shaped the charism of the Movement she founded. Highly recommended to advocates of dialogue in peace building. – Dr. Lilian Sison, Secretary General, Religions for Peace – PhilippinesThis book presents clearly the contribution of a spirituality of unity in incarnating a way of dialogue that comes from a Christian life lived fully, collectively, and passionately for the realization of Jesus’ prayer “that all be one” (Jn 17: 21). This fine study is a contribution to the on-going journey of the Church in the field of inter-religious dialogue as she celebrates the fifty years of Vatican II’s document Nostra Aetate. – Rev. Dr. Andrew Gimenez Recepcion, President, International Association of Catholic Missiologists Crescencia Gabijan does an excellent contribution in putting together the life story and teachings including the spiritual and community engagement of Chiara Lubich, known as “a key figure at the forefront of inter-religious dialogue.” This book is a must read for students and practitioners of inter-religious dialogue. – Prof. Julkipli Wadi, Institute of Islamic Studies, University of the Philippines With a cogent style as an experienced educator and a spiritual guru, Dr. Crescencia C. Gabijan provides us with a tool for deepening the spirituality of interfaith dialogue. Her book allows us to see and experience God in and through other people. – Fr. Rico Palaca Ponce, O.Carm., Ph.D./S.Th.D., Executive Director, Institute of Spirituality in Asia By University of Santo Tomas Publishing House, Manila, Philippines
315 pp; RRP Php 500.00 * For enquiries and orders, please email, or call 4061611 local 8424

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