Voices Joining For Peace

Voices Joining For Peace

Twenty years after the conferment of the UNESCO Peace Education Prize on Chiara Lubich and on the 8th anniversary of her death (March 14, 2008), an event at Castel Gandolfo, Italy, proposes the culture of dialogue as a means of peace.

A Syrian doctor at the refugee camp

A Syrian doctor at the refugee camp

The moving story of Issa – “Jesus” in Arab – upon receiving compatriots arriving in Slovenia after indescribable vicissitudes. His dream: to become Jesus for each one of them.

Asia: 50 years of unity

Asia: 50 years of unity

In 1966 the first group of men and women focolarini arrived in Manila. This marked the beginning of the spread of the spirituality of unity in many Asian countries, along the lines of interreligious dialogue and a meeting between cultures.
