Letting Jesus take over

Letting Jesus take over

The women’s Focolare in Birmingham share their experience of doing things with the presence of Jesus in their midst.


Almost 10 years of journeying together

Almost 10 years of journeying together

The families in Scotland have recently been getting together informally each month. This simple idea is gathering some momentum and draws many from our local community together.


Ecumenical Prayers for Unity

Ecumenical Prayers for Unity

The Prayers for Unity will be held online at 17:50 for 18:00 UK time on every 2nd Monday of the month. Please feel free to share this invitation with anyone else who would like to participate.


The basis of universal fraternity

The basis of universal fraternity

In this short excerpt, Chiara, in answering a question on the relationship with other religions, reveals the secret to building true universal fraternity: seeking what unites us in diversity.

Margaret Karram about the next Genfest 2024

Margaret Karram about the next Genfest 2024

Message of Margaret Karram, President of the Focolare Movement, to all those who are preparing for the next Genfest 2024, the event of the Movement’s young people that will take place in Aparecida, Brazil, and in different parts of the world with various local Genfests.

Mutual love is our uniform

Mutual love is our uniform

A short video supporting the theme of the year: ‘We are called and we are sent’ – part of the Conference Call of 7 October 2023. ‘By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.’ (Jn 13: 35)

Space for contemplation

Space for contemplation

Paul Gateshill reflects on the Methodist Modern Art Collection which was hosted at the Focolare Centre for Unity during Lent and Easter this year.


June Word of Life

June Word of Life

This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. (Mk. 4:26-27
