MAY Word of Life

MAY Word of Life

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love (1 John 4:8).


A dream come true!

A dream come true!

It all began a few days before the COVID-19 pandemic, during a gathering of family friends of the Focolare in Welwyn Garden City for a day of togetherness.


Mariapolis bookings

Mariapolis bookings

Mariapolis 25-28 July 2024. The summer gathering of the Focolare in Great Britain. Bookings closed on 21 June, but you can join us as a day visitor.


APRIL Word of Life

APRIL Word of Life

With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all.  (Acts 4:33)


The network of local Genfest

The network of local Genfest

Images, impressions and testimonies of some of the 44 Genfest held in different countries around the world. First part: Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Egypt, Jordan. Second part: Slovakia and Korea.

Genfest 2024 in Brazil: images and testimonies

Genfest 2024 in Brazil: images and testimonies

Genfest 2024, an international event promoted by the young people of the Focolare Movement, took place in Brazil in July and was attended by over 4,000 young people. Phase 1. Phases 2 and 3.

The basis of universal fraternity

The basis of universal fraternity

In this short excerpt, Chiara, in answering a question on the relationship with other religions, reveals the secret to building true universal fraternity: seeking what unites us in diversity.

MARCH Word of Life

MARCH Word of Life

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. (Ps. 51[50]: 10
