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Almost 10 years of journeying together

Almost 10 years of journeying together

The families in Scotland have recently been getting together informally each month. This simple idea is gathering some momentum and draws many from our local community together.


COP26: Faith Plans for People and Planet

COP26: Faith Plans for People and Planet

For over six years, the community in Scotland have been getting to know and deepening a friendship with a group of Shia Muslims based in and around Glasgow. We have held several events together and our relationship has truly moved from friendship to a real unity, so much so that we all feel part of one family. Environmental action has been a specific focus of several of our shared activities.


A Moment of Joy and Grace

A Moment of Joy and Grace

We had a beautiful afternoon on 12th January 2019 in the Focolare house in Glasgow, when Christians from 5 denominations gathered together for a moment of reflection, as we journeyed together towards ‘That all may be one’ (Jn 17:21).
