OCTOBER Word of Life

OCTOBER Word of Life

Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s. (Mt. 22:21)

Prayers for Unity (New)

Prayers for Unity (New)

The Prayers for Unity will be held online at 17:50 for 18:00 UK time on every 2nd Monday of the month. Please feel free to share this invitation with anyone else who would like to participate.

AUGUST Word of Life

AUGUST Word of Life

Woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.  (Mt 15:28)

Welwyn/Hatfield InterFaith Shared Supper

Welwyn/Hatfield InterFaith Shared Supper

For many years our local Welwyn/Hatfield InterFaith group have celebrated National InterFaith Week in November by hosting a shared supper at the Focolare Centre for Unity.  It being our most popular event of our busy year, we decided to also hold one this summer.
