Water, air, earth, knowledge, technology, cultural diversity, peace, biodiversity, life… all common goods to be safeguarded; a task not only in the hands of governments and international organisations but of each person, family and community.
We are all called to foster a new culture based on interdependence, solidarity, justice and communion through life styles oriented towards the common good.
Is the concept of ‘common good’ the same throughout Asia, Africa and Europe?
These are the issues to be addressed at the convention “For the common good; to treasure the heritage of humankind”, organised by AMU (Azione per un Mondo Unito or Action for a United World), a non-profit organisation, 25 years since its foundation. Participants from Thailand, Lebanon, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Brazil, Germany, Spain (Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th March 2011, Ciampino – Rome).
Lectures and experiences from experts in fair trade, environmental preservation, global citizenship, development aid.
Amongst the guest speakers:
- Guido Barbera, Chairman of CIPSI
- Luigino Bruni, Associate Professor of Economic Politics at Bicocca University, Milan
- Vincenzo Buonomo, full professor of International Law and Dean of Law at di Diritto Internazionale e Preside della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza della Pontifical Lateran University of Rome.
- Rosario Lembo, National Secretary the World Water Contract Campaign
- Alberto Lo Presti, Professor if History and Political Doctrine at Saint Thomas Aquinas Pontifical University – Angelicum, Rome
- Telma Rocha, project developer for Latin America Avina Fondation – Brazil
- Godefroy Sankara, Director and coordinator of Africa pro Mundo – Burkina Faso
- Stefano Zamagni, full professor, Faculty of Economics University of Bologna
Through stands and workshops, experiences on fair trade will be exchanged.
Special attention given to young people and a project on active citizenship “Strong without Violence” that took place in Germany as well as accounts of projects and experiences from Brazil, Lebanon and Burundi.
The convention is open to the public and is aimed at people who work on international solidarity projects, at associations and all those interested in sustainable development.
AMU is recognised by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the projects carried out in the developing world and for development education and training.
Born in the Focolare Movement, AMU wishes to spread a culture of dialogue and unity among peoples. Together with the populations involved, AMU is committed to carrying out sustainable activities that lay down foundations for effective development that respects the local social, cultural and economic realities.
For Further Information:
Associazione “Azione per un Mondo Unito – ONLUS – “ (AMU)
tel. : 06 94792170
Patrizia Mazzola mobile. 335.616.54.04
e-mail: eas@amu-it.eu
website: www.amu-it.eu
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