News from the Focolare in Ukraine

News from the Focolare in Ukraine

Donatella Rafanelli told Maria Chiara Biagioni of the Italian news agency “SIR” about the life of the Focolare community in Ukraine in recent days. A 29-hour trip from Kiev. “Now our dream is to go back there”.

Eat out, eat well Award

Eat out, eat well Award

The Eat Out Eat Well scheme rewards restauarants, takeaways and other food businesess that make it easier for their customers to make healthy food choices.

Glimpses of Gospel Life – Blessed Illness

Glimpses of Gospel Life – Blessed Illness

I am suffering from a serious illness. My kidneys have not been working properly for more than ten years and I am forced to undergo dialysis three times a week. In time, other organs will fail too.
