Dublin: World Meeting of Families with the Pope

“The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the world”

Dublin, the capital of Ireland, will host the 9th World Meeting of Families, an initiative inaugurated by St. John Paul II in 1994, and since then held every three years in different international seats. The theme chosen for Dublin is “The Gospel of the Family: joy for the world.”

Further to the two recent Synods on the family (2014-15) and the apostolic exhortation, Amoris Laetitia (2016) of Pope Francis, families and those who engage in “family” issues are looking forward to this event which will give prominence to the Christian family and its specific gift of being “joy for the world” and light in the challenges contemporary life poses.

The event is being promoted by the new Pontifical Council for the Laity, Family and Life. Alberto and Anna Friso of the Focolare who work with this organization will also attend. But it is the host diocese that is preparing for the meeting with great passion, and has already set in motion a mighty organisational machine for the outlining of the programme, logistics, preparatory catechesis, and reception of participants. Also the Irish ”new families” are full of enthusiasm, and have relayed their willingness to collaborate in all ways with the organizational team created for this purpose by the diocese.  During those days they will be happy to welcome to their country, the greatest number of ”new families” possible from all over the world, to live unforgettable moments of in-depth studies, communion and celebrations.

Official website


For info and registrations
