Genfest 2024

Genfest 2024, a worldwide Festival of fraternity promoted by the young people of the Focolare Movement, will take place in July at Aparecida, Brazil and it will showcase the "local" commitment of many Focolare communities.


Genfest 2024 is a global event that brings together young people of different faiths, ethnicities and cultures who share the vision of a more united world. The event is held every six years at an international level.

The event will be spread over three phases. The first phase will take place between July 12th and 18th, in Brazil and several other Latin American countries. During this stage, young people will take part in various projects. These actions will be carried out in partnership with UNIRedes, a body that brings together more than 50 organizations, initiatives and social movements from 12 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean that promote transformative actions in various fields, such as art and culture, the environment, democratic governance, education and work.

Phase 2 will be the central event, to be held from July 19th to 21st in Aparecida. The festival will be broadcast via streaming to more than 120 countries, to be followed by hundreds of thousands of young people around the world.

All this with lots of music, choreography, shared experiences of good practice and themed workshops.

Finally, the third stage, called Pathway and Citizenship, will also take place in Aparecida between July 22nd and 28th. This stage will be a school of active citizenship. The young people will be trained in leadership and dialogue and will draw up practical proposals related to ecology, peace, fraternity and the common good. They will learn about various expressions of the Focolare Movement which are aimed at promoting a more just and sustainable society. Thus, they will also help strengthen and expand a global network of young leaders who are agents of change.

Genfest will also inspire promote actions and the exchange of best practices at local, regional and national level, through which the participants can support socio-environmental projects as well as peace-building initiatives in their own communities. Genfest 2024 wants to help develop skills and attitudes in the young participants, such as empathy and a listening attitude, teamwork and networking, social responsibility and solidarity, intercultural and inter-religious dialogue. It also wants to encourage exchanges with Latin American cultures and traditions.

Find out more on the official website:

Eight young people from Britain are going to Genfest. They would be grateful for any financial support.

Donations for Genfest can be transferred, with reference ‘Genfest24 donation’, to the following account:
Name of Account: Focolare Youth
Number of account: 67252464
Sort Code: 08-92-99
