Meeting people where they are
Focolare Open Evening – London – 31 May 2024
[more]The Twyford Avenue Focolare in West London hosts a Focolare Open Evening on the last Friday of the month. It follows the same format: a bring-and-share supper from 7–8 pm, followed by an informal programme from 8–9 pm. A guest visitor often leads the informal programme. There are usually between 15 to 30 people. There is often a very different group of people present at each gathering. There are a few regulars who come each time, but others come occasionally. However, everyone knows that on the last Friday of the month, there is an Open Evening in the Focolare.
Focolare Open Evening – London – 31 May 2024
[more]Join us for an afternoon get-together open to all ages at the Centre for Unity on Sunday 19th May 2024.
[more]Focolare Open Evening – London – April 2024
[more]We celebrate the extraordinary life and witness of Maria Walsh who concluded her earthly life in February 2024. Read this article: “The ‘miracle’ girl” in New City online. Click on the picture.
[more]It all began a few days before the COVID-19 pandemic, during a gathering of family friends of the Focolare in Welwyn Garden City for a day of togetherness.
[more]’What time does it start tomorrow?’ My son replied: ‘It starts from the moment you get up.’ Report on a local Mariapolis in Oxfordshire.