My Ecumenical Journey
by Chiara Lubich
Edited by Diego Goller and Maria Wienken
The spiritual vision of Chiara Lubich is based on the inseparable bond between the renewal of the Church and her ecumenical openness. Each chapter of this book explains a specific aspect of the spirituality of unity. The writings of Chiara Lubich that are presented in the various chapters are introduced by members of the Focolare Movement belonging to different Churches.
‘While unity is becoming an ever more compelling necessity, in presenting this book I hope that the readers might find abundant impulses so as to feel involved in a ‘divine adventure’, and discover in the brothers and sisters of a Church that is different from theirs the face of the one Christ.’ (Maria Voce, President of the Focolare Movement)
‘Ecumenism cannot and must not be simply some sort of appendix which is added to the Church’s traditional activity. It is rather an organic part of her life and work, and consequently must pervade all that she is and does; it must be like the fruit borne by a healthy and flourishing tree which grows to its full stature.’ (John Paul II, Ut Unum Sint, 20)
‘In the Focolare Movement, the idea of unity is not simply an external element or some sort of appendix of its spirituality. It is profoundly enlivened by the idea of unity in Jesus Christ and sees itself as a spirituality of unity. Therefore, from the outset, it was first of all a spirituality that is completely ecumenical. Ecumenism is inscribed in the DNA of the spirituality of unity.’ (Cardinal Kurt Koch)
Published in April 2020
Available from: New City Publishing