• Bom dia
    Não sei o que aconteceu que hoje dia 28.6.2023 não recebi a mensagem da passa palavra.
    Grata pela atenção.
    Maria Emanuel Almeida

  • Hello,
    I send the Password of the day to several people and would like to comment on the current trend. Although very wonderful quotes are being used the daily thought seems to have lost some of its practical application. This is only my thought and one that I’m certainly open to further suggestions. The daily thought needs to have a concrete proposal each day. A quote from a book or other passage doesn’t necessarily give the reader hints or suggestions to live it in their job, family or other moments of their lives. Today of example, “Live for Fraternity doesn’t really call one to that sense of concrete action in the present moment. Perhaps the thought could be linked to something concrete that the reader could put into immediate practice. “Live for Fraternity, by showing your neighbor that he is valued.” or some other possible quote from one of the most practical people I have ever known; Chiara. The Password is really wonderful and can have an immediate impact on the people I send it to each day. Thank you,

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