Life Directions

Life Directions

One of the seven workshops that were held in Tagaytay, the town of the Focolare in the Philippines, after Genfest 2018 in Manila. A thousand young people attended to deepen among many others, the themes of Economy, Ecology, Sociology and other choices in life.

Prophetic Economy – People, the planet, the future

Prophetic Economy – People, the planet, the future

Seven organizations from different countries have started a “Prophetic Economy,” a project to gather and promote ideas and good economic practice that is aimed at holistic human development and sustainability.

Genfest 2018: We must be women & men of unity to give hope to the world

Genfest 2018: We must be women & men of unity to give hope to the world

The eleventh edition of the Genfest has just come to its end. The 6,000 young people present, from more than 100 countries worldwide, launched their project: “Pathways Pathways for a United World”: ways and means of bringing individuals and people together to contribute building fraternal relationships in the fields of economy, justice, politics, environment, intercultural and interreligious dialogue.

Genfest 2018: “The change from Me to Us”

Genfest 2018: “The change from Me to Us”

The main topic for the world meeting of Focolare Youth will be personal, social and political borders. This event which will take place in Manila, the Philippines from 6-8 July 2018 will be broadcast through live streaming.
