Carols in The Cloisters – the origins
Cathy Beer from Welwyn Garden City traces the origins of this local tradition.
[more]Cathy Beer from Welwyn Garden City traces the origins of this local tradition.
[more]Fantastic, well attended, emotional and sad in some parts, powerful, well organised/ spontaneously put together; so much could be said about a wonderful Ukrainian Christmas Event at the Focolare Centre, which took place today.
[more]You are all warmly invited to celebrate the Christmas season singing Carols with our friends and neighbours.
[more]Michal Siewniak, a member of the Focolare Movement and recently-elected Lib Dem District Councillor writes:
[more]In recent days, thousands of people around the world have joined together to show solidarity with Ukraine. Towns and cities particularly across Europe have seen expressions of horror at a new outbreak of war on the continent.
[more]Mary Gateshill initially took on the role of manager of the Focolare Centre for Unity in Welwyn Garden City for 6 months. That was 8 years ago! As she now steps aside from this role, she reflects on her time managing this unique venue.