Conference Calls
The Works of Chiara Lubich – part 8/1
Conversations via Telephone and Satellite Connections
by Chiara Lubich
For 24 years Chiara Lubich nourished spiritually the many people born from her charism with the thoughts of her Conference Calls. Twice a month it brought countless people together in a kind of virtual cenacle. There was no better opportunity of renewing the commitment they had made together to make life a ‘holy journey’.
For Chiara holiness does not so much exist in removing our faults one by one, but in loving, in thinking of others, in forgetting ourselves. In this way she formed the members of the Focolare Movement for a life of communion.
Unity is the ‘high point of the Gospel’, and Pope John Paul II saw the task of ‘making the Church the home and school of communion’ as the great challenge of the third millennium, as an educative principle in every place of formation, and this not only for Christians but for everyone.
‘The Works of Chiara Lubich’ forms a corpus of works that presents in a systematic way the patrimony of Chiara Lubich’s thought, drawing on both published material, as well as a large amount that has not yet been published. A copious literary heritage, that expresses, in terms of experience and content, her thought, her life and her very existence.
ISBN 978-1-905039-61-6
Published in October 2022
Available from: New City Publishing