14th March- Eleven years after the death of the foundress of the Focolare Movement

14th March- Eleven years after the death of the foundress of the Focolare Movement

Eleven years after the death of the foundress of the Focolare Movement events are taking place all over the world to remember her. In Rome, Cardinal Rylko celebrated a Mass in the presence of Maria Voce and Jesús Morán attended by many of Chiara’s “people” as well as many civil and religious authorities and friends of the Focolare.


A passion for the Church

A passion for the Church

From the very beginning of the Focolare Movement, members of religious orders saw that the spirituality of unity was something they too could live, whilst remaining faithful to their own particular charism.

Mutual love is our uniform

Mutual love is our uniform

A short video supporting the theme of the year: ‘We are called and we are sent’ – part of the Conference Call of 7 October 2023. ‘By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.’ (Jn 13: 35)

Filling up the cracks

Filling up the cracks

Lesley Ellison is from Liverpool. She was the first non-Catholic to enter a Focolare community. Building unity beyond age-old prejudices, distrust and rifts. Generating, day after day, a dialogue that has become a way of life.
Mary and Paul Gateshill speak about the practice of ‘Prayer for Unity’ which gathers people regularly from all over the world. Interview by Andrea Fleming (2022).

Focolare EcoPlan

Focolare EcoPlan

We are commited to verifying the ecological sustainability of our structures and activities … We are dedicated to the creation of greater environmental awareness that will lead to more sustainable lifestyles.” Ecological conversion was one of the goals set by the Focolare Movement in the 2021 General Assembly. In response to this urgent need, the Focolare EcoPlan was initiated.

A Moment of Joy and Grace

A Moment of Joy and Grace

We had a beautiful afternoon on 12th January 2019 in the Focolare house in Glasgow, when Christians from 5 denominations gathered together for a moment of reflection, as we journeyed together towards ‘That all may be one’ (Jn 17:21).


A bishop dedicated to dialogue

A bishop dedicated to dialogue

Archbishop Armando Bortolaso died on January 8, after almost 70 years in “his” beloved land, the Middle East. For 10 years he was Apostolic Vicar in Syria.
