2022 is the 10th Anniversary of the 4 Corners Festival!

2022 is the 10th Anniversary of the 4 Corners Festival!

The 4 Corners Festival seeks to inspire people from across the city to transform it for the peace and wellbeing of all. It consists of innovative events designed to entice people out of their own ‘corners’ of the city and into new places where they will encounter new perspectives, new ideas, and new friends.


I gave it my best shot…

I gave it my best shot…

Mary Gateshill initially took on the role of manager of the Focolare Centre for Unity in Welwyn Garden City for 6 months. That was 8 years ago! As she now steps aside from this role, she reflects on her time managing this unique venue.


What stays with me from my holiday?

What stays with me from my holiday?

It was wonderful to have the opportunity to get right away for 2 weeks’ late summer, to somewhere ‘completely other’. I realised how nourishing a change of scene can be – for those fortunate to have the opportunity.


The basis of universal fraternity

The basis of universal fraternity

In this short excerpt, Chiara, in answering a question on the relationship with other religions, reveals the secret to building true universal fraternity: seeking what unites us in diversity.

Margaret Karram about the next Genfest 2024

Margaret Karram about the next Genfest 2024

Message of Margaret Karram, President of the Focolare Movement, to all those who are preparing for the next Genfest 2024, the event of the Movement’s young people that will take place in Aparecida, Brazil, and in different parts of the world with various local Genfests.

Mutual love is our uniform

Mutual love is our uniform

A short video supporting the theme of the year: ‘We are called and we are sent’ – part of the Conference Call of 7 October 2023. ‘By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.’ (Jn 13: 35)
